A mix of old and new, this modern master suite and living room addition is attached to a 1911 brick bungalow in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.
Some have described it as a seamless blend of the past and the present. The original brick home appears unassuming in the historic neighborhood and the modern glass and steel addition brings an unexpected surprise in the rear of the property. Extending out into a small desert oasis, the modern addition is surrounded by native desert plants that provide a sense of both shelter and refuge.
The interior of the addition is comfortable and filled with light. Each view is framed with desert plants, some of which brush in the wind against glass. The combination evokes the feeling of living inside a terrarium.
The interior of the original home is a master class on exposing the old in a new way. Plaster walls were stripped on the interior to expose both the skeletal lath construction, and a patchwork of upcycled brick interior which is comprised from remnants of neighboring homes also constructed in the early 1900’s. With this, occupants can become like archeologists, learning from the old bones of the time period.

location: Phoenix, Arizona
area: 1,300 sq ft
photography: Matt Winquist